Nativity of the Our Lord: Solemnity, December 25

engraver, MARTIN ENGELBRECHT (Augsburg 1684-1756)
Original engraving circa 1700

St. John of the Cross: Carmelite Solemnity, December 14

St. John of the Cross: Carmelite Solemnity, December 14

Images of St. John of the Cross   Writings     Quotations

"What we need most in order to make progress is to be silent before this great God with our appetite and with our tongue, for the language he best hears is silent love."
~St John of the Cross, OCD

The Immaculate Conception: Solemnity, December 8

Immaculate Mary
For additional images that celebrate this great Mystery please see:

St. Raphael Kolinowski of St. Joseph: Memorial, November 19

St. Raphael Kolinowski of St. Joseph: Memorial, November 19th 

 Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn
Venerated by both Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christians
this is our old framed print of the miraculous image

All Souls of the Carmelite Order: November 15, Commemeration

To love... to suffer... to die... in union with Mary.
"On this day the Order remembers in prayer, and confides to the loving mercy of God,
all the members of the Carmelite Family who have died." 

All Carmelite Saints: November 14, Feast Day

Text beneath engraving:"My heart aspires to nothing except to see God in His glory."
"On this day the Carmelite Family celebrates the memory of all its holy men and women, those known and those unknown, those living on Earth and those living in Heaven, who reflect the glory of God." 

Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity: Memorial, November 8

Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity - daily quotations

The Trinity, here is our dwelling, our home,
the Father's house which we will never leave.

 "I was thinking of Him when this was taken,
so it will bring Him to you." Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity